Electronic Health Record Vendors

Your selection of HIT Systems just Opened Up

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Vendors have just entered the second product cycle of their market.  This means that their customers are now moving from the customer’s original system to new systems, rather than buying their first system.  Several reliable sources and reports estimate 25% to 30% of EHR systems will be replaced in the next 12 months.  For the first time, the customers have clinical data in an existing EHR that they want to have moved to the new EHR system they are acquiring.  This will require the EHR vendors to have tools and/or services available to perform these clinical conversions.

X-Link provides all the connectivity required by Electronic Health Record Vendors. We can also help you get your data converted for your new EHR system. Check out X-Link's Systems Linked List or contact us at 800-645-2962 or 813-995-2200 for more information. 

Vendor Politics Are No More

Tired of dealing with software vendors who do not and will not fare well together? X-Link is vendor neutral-- as long as we know where your data is, what the data looks like and how to move it, ELLKAY can interface to your Electronic Health Record of choice.

Have the "Power of Choice"

Because we have the ability to work with almost any vendor, practices are now able to experience custom functionality. Not only can you connect virtually any system old or new with an X-Link, but X-Link developers will work with EMR/EHR software to create interfaces which collect data points outside of traditional data flows and standards.

Your Data Should Be Convenient

Not only can you streamline your processes with X-Link, but you can banish the paper trail and convert to completely electronic records--clean writing, no paper. Using X-Link also eliminates double data entry and improves the accuracy of record keeping.