If you are interested in obtaining support or services, simply contact us at 800-645-2962 or 813-995-2200.
At X-Link Medical Software Interfacing, we are committed to putting your needs first and we do that by employing a comprehensive customer satisfaction program. Our team will be there for you every step of the way as you implement new technology and we will support you far into the future as you use your software everyday.
X-Link Medical Software Interfacing has made a significant commitment to anticipate and meet clients' expectations in the delivery of customer service and support. Key drivers of customer value in the information age is access, availability, and convenience of knowledge at your finger tips. You'll have access to the right service, support and information everyday, thanks to our customer service team.
X-Link Medical Software Interfacing provides technical support to the X-Link Solutions Network, composed of both Partners and Value Added Resellers, as well as End Users, Consultants and Medical Software Vendors.
Data repair services are a specialty of our support department with clients nationwide depending on our expertise. X-Link Medical Software Interfacing also provides conversion services for all versions of Lytec and Medisoft and for many popular medical and dental software packages. Custom Report Writing and Interfacing are provided by our development department.
If you are interested in obtaining support or services, simply contact us at 800-645-2962 or 813-995-2200.